Review of actions from previous meeting

Actions from last time, and their status are:

  • NOne

Review of the iteration that has ended

Subplot milestone 43 represented this iteration.

We completed:

We made some progress on:

We made no progress on:

We moved the open issues to the milestone for the iteration staring and then closed off this iteration.

Review of the repositories

Currently open MRs:

  • subplot: none
  • subplot-web: none
  • subplot-container-images: none

Extra branches unrelated to MRs:

  • subplot:
    • subplot-rust – Daniel is keeping this around until he has completed the work on Subplot issue 141.
    • docgen-cmark – Lars is working on making docgen use cmark rather than pandoc for the initial parse and processing.
  • subplot-web: none
  • subplot-container-images: none


  • subplot: clean
  • subplot-web: none
  • subplot-container-images: clean, and we triggered the one to build a new container image

Current goal (goal 2; not changed for this iteration)

Subplot provides a set of libraries with identical capabilities in each of the supported languages. Python remains a supported language. Rust is promoted to supported-language status. Subplot will be tested with all supported languages. In addition, any quality of life improvements which can be done shall be done. This goal will be considered complete when a release of Subplot has been made with the unified language handling support complete.

Issue review

We had 58 open issues at the start of the meeting.

We reviewed all issues for subplot, except ones labelled someday-maybe. There were 29 of these.

  • Subplot issue 268 Re-enable we added the label for goal 3.
  • Subplot issue 269 ./check should set a template when running docgen we added to the iteration and assigned it to Daniel.

We left the docker-for-subplot issue alone, and subplot-web had no issues.

Plan for next iteration

We opened Subplot milestone 44 to cover this iteration, with the following issues:

Other business

Talk at FOSDEM on Subplot

Daniel has talked to safety people at his work and gotten valuable feedback for the talk. He wants to have a finished draft of the talk, ready for recording, by the end of this iteration. Lars will be available for review.

Release plan for this iteration

We decided to defer making a release of whatever is in the main branch until we have done our talk. When we do, we’ll label it 0.3.2 or 0.4.0, depending on whether it has breaking changes or not. Subplot issue 254 - We have deferred making a release until the next iteration as neither of us are feeling particularly energetic right now.

Getting Subplot into Debian

We are not yet ready to file an RFP bug to get Subplot packaged for Debian. It will happen after we think we won’t be making breaking changes anymore. We probably want to do a review of the dependencies as well, to make packaging easier.

Lars chatted with dkg about how to make this as easy as possible and dkg suggested:

  • Make sure you only depend on crates already in Debian where possible
  • Make sure such dependencies are generally for versions already in Debian
  • Try not to have non-pure-Rust dependencies

Review of the whole code base of Subplot

We are not yet ready to make a whole code base review of Subplot. However we feel at least part of goal 3 will be reviewing a portion of the code.

Issue based agenda

We will switch an issue based agenda when other people join the meeting.

Reaching out for feedback

We won’t be reaching out for feedback until goal 3 is done.

A media repository

Regarding the media repository question - we believe this is premature at this point.

Convincing to try Subplot

No new thoughts yet.

Blog post

We have decided we will write a blog post about the talk. We propose that this take the form of:

  1. A blog post on Daniel’s blog saying “I did a talk”
  2. A blog post on Lars’ blog saying “Daniel did a talk”
  3. A blog post on the Subplot blog saying “We did a talk”


If we choose to change URL:

  1. Old URLs must redirect to new URLs
  2. We’d need to update any URLs in the subplot or subplot-web repositories
  3. We should blog about the “new home” (perhaps pending an IRC or Matrix channel too - See below)

We agreed to go for which Lars has registered at the cost of €5, and in future years, Daniel and Lars will split the cost unless we gain another developer who wants to pitch in, or we receive donations to the tune of the cost of the domain.

A communications channel (IRC, Matrix)

Currently we do not have a channel for Subplot because we have only two developers who are in so many channels together already, and have a query open, that it’s not worth it.

However we may benefit from a dedicated Subplot channel of some kind of we are to attract new developers or users.

We made a decision to have a matrix channel, and to have that channel hosted on

As such, is now created, and Daniel and Lars are in there. We will include mention of the matrix channel as part of the website rename blog post.


  • Daniel is to prepare an MR about the talk for subplot-web
  • Lars is to deal with the webserver changes needed for
  • Lars will write an MR for the website change for subplot-web