This is an idea, and not planned to be implemented any time soon. It’s saved here to inform futur discussions.
Tracking requiremens in Subplot
First, assign each requirement a unique mnemonic id. In this example, it is the word in the definition list below. The “Req” suffix is just a convention.
- SecureReq: System must be sequre.
- FastReq: The system must be fast.
First scenario tests SequreReq only
Second, mark each scenario with the requirements it tests. First scenario test the SequreReq requirement.
given a system
when it is attacked
then it is unharmed
Second scenario also tests FastReq
given a system
when it is DDoSsed
then it is unharmed
and it still serves all legitimate users
Subplot will then annotate the output so that each requirement has links to the scenarios that test them, something like this: